Friday, September 27, 2013

Sharing is Caring

2013 - Sept - 27

Oh! yeah!!!

Shared a few thoughts with bunch of few new youngsters who's gonna entered into the industry.

First one was Harsha with his Luck. Really tried to catch-up with the subtitles and video editing. Anyway had the first experience in creating subtitles to YouTube. Hope you'll interest to watch the full speech somewhere in www.

Second one was "To the sky" from the film "Legend of the Guardians" (The Owls of Ga'Hoole). Hope lyrics means something to you as to me.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Ever notice the awesomeness of the footpath where you everyday walking.

Did you ever had that glimpse ?

Stop running a rat race. Catch the eye of your wonderful surrounding and live on it.


In-front of the "Bo" Tree there was a something like this. I'm sure it's not a information from Archaeological department. But anyone who did it, we respect you. This effort is truly appreciated.

English Translation of the above 

This is a nascent of the Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya, India which was planted by the “Bo Appu Muththa” (A matured adult of the village) on the grave of the prince Sri Vardhana Rajadaru Bandara born inherited to the Sinhalese throne, who was leaded the last troop of 200 Sinhala soldiers to battled with the army of Portuguese Captain Constantine de Saa in 1623. This was situated near to the “Agasthi” pond, which was in the fort wall road of south gate, down to “Suurya Natha” fane, Dhumbutta. 

 - By J.L.P Sigera - 
Archaeological report 1940, pg 32

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Same Pinch Chuck

After Prison Break a series came through in every season with new taste. 


I Swear. You will see a different theme for every season.

A guy (actually a Standford kickout) who doesn't have a simplest clue what he would gonna do for tomorrow, works as a Nerd in a retail shop called BuyMore with his best buddy from childhood.  Lives with his sis and one day his whole world goes change due to one single mail from his long gone friend.

Simple funny tech geek turned into a smart sensitive spy. Different stages of this formation shows in each season with different sensation. Experience the whole thrill, action, fun, love, family time, buddy time and laugh.

Cheers Operation Bartowski!

Preparation for masters.

If you are a person who doesn't have any idea or unable to get any idea about being preparing for your masters, here are some tips for you people, as far as the understanding. So this is for Postgraduate  Computer Science in Sri Lanka.

First thing about preparation is to face the selection test for masters. So getting touch with your IQ and update your technical knowledge is the priority. You may be wayback from your bachelor days. So freshen up what you did there. Go back to your memory line. 

Hmmm... About IQ...
First thing to do is to get in touch with solving  mathematicle questions. Specialy in probability. Usual color question and many more things that you learned for the maths subject. Then the rotating shapes, geometrical items and pattern questions which will measure your spacial intelligence. And also mathematical sequences, both with numbers and alphabet. Filling gaps, lots, sqares, triangles or circles by identifying the relationship between numbers. All you have to do is practice yourself and get used into it by trying out all these problems. You can find quite a lot in the internet if searched. But don't forget to put a stopwatch infront you. All you have is 2 minutes for 1 question. Seriously  time is the most important factor even if you know the answers for whole lot. Basically IQ part is all about mathematics and to do it fast.

And about the technical part, it is better to wined up everything you did in the past. But consider more on data structures and sorting algorithms. And also interpret  outputs of code lines where mostly the recursion involved. And practice to compile it faster. Then the sql statements. Finding of output resultset. Object oriented design concepts can also be measured.

So these are some of things you might have for your selections. Good luck and cheers.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

TM - Get to the Point

 Project : Get to the Point - ToastMasters 2013/03/11

Today I brought the most dangerous, most powerful, most strongest weapon in this world. And for centuries ago it was the most deadliest. It could not only destroy a one person, but a whole bunch at once. Can anyone guess what I brought here today?

Easy to carry; Not so much heavy; Very much affordable; Can take anywhere; No one will notice. Oh Yes!!! no one will ever!!!

Well...... I brought a pen here today!!!!

There is a popular saying "Pen is mightier than the sword". You can hold it like this (hold it with the fist) and use it like this (as a weapon), or hold it like this (hold it with fingers) and use it like this (as a pen). What is the most ideal way to hold it. When I hold it like this (smoothly like a pen); this doesn't mean I'm just only holding a pen. This stands for the literature, jounalism and all the other methods of writing. Actually it represent the written word.

The invention of the written word help human to store and propagate ideas and thoughts. It doesn't matter which media you presented it. Electronically, Printed or in handwritten. Because now the technology has changed everything.The purpose of the pen is to connect ones mind with another with a written word. Writing something powerful has the ability to inspire, motivate and change. Change lives, change minds and even change the history. Through ages, pen shaped the human history. It made people to stand up against tyranny and injustice. It made a great effect on the mindset of the society. If you go deep down into the history, you can see how great many writers were involved in revolutions to change the world. American, French and specially in Russian.

Even today written word can influence society. It does a much impact on society as it did years ago, and will continue to do so. Not only in traditional ways like as books, news papers and stuff. But also with the use of technology. Like as Tweets, blogs and status updates.

Great thinkers and writers created the spirit of modern world by the power of pen. Pen plays a big role in how society think and functioned. So it is true, pen is mightier than the sword. Victories making from weapon of arms are short lived. But victories of weapon of pens are so long and lived forever. For example, plays of Shakespeare, novels of Charles Dickens are still alive among the readers. Pen is mightier, because it promotes the cultural value and graces of life. Not like the weapons which destroys it. Pen is a powerful tool which helps us to visualize our thoughts and bring our heart to a paper. It allows you to take a moment of silence in the noise of your life.

Words we write using a pen, can change the world. The question is, will it be for the better or worse. Written words can express either good ideas or bad ones. And you never know how dangerous things it can spread. So understand wisely, why you use this weapon before you are using it. And use it constructively.

Think before you write!

Thank you.