Ever notice the awesomeness of the footpath where you everyday walking.
Did you ever had that glimpse ?
Stop running a rat race. Catch the eye of your wonderful surrounding and live on it.
In-front of the "Bo" Tree there was a something like this. I'm sure it's not a information from Archaeological department. But anyone who did it, we respect you. This effort is truly appreciated.
English Translation of the above
This is a nascent of the Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya, India which was planted by the “Bo Appu Muththa” (A matured adult of the village) on the grave of the prince Sri Vardhana Rajadaru Bandara born inherited to the Sinhalese throne, who was leaded the last troop of 200 Sinhala soldiers to battled with the army of Portuguese Captain Constantine de Saa in 1623. This was situated near to the “Agasthi” pond, which was in the fort wall road of south gate, down to “Suurya Natha” fane, Dhumbutta.
- By J.L.P Sigera -
Archaeological report 1940, pg 32
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