Selected Questions in Intellectual Property

Answers for the selected review questions in Chapter 8 - Intellectual Property Disputes in Cyberspace of the book  Ethics and Technology : Controversies, Questions, and Strategies for Ethical Computing, Herman T. Tavani, Rivier University—Fourth edition.

1. What is intellectual property?

Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind: inventions; literary and artistic works; and symbols, names and images used in commerce.


2. How is intellectual property different from tangible property?

Unlike physical property, intellectual property consists of objects that are not tangible.

These non-tangible(intangible), or intellectual, objects represent literary/ creative works and inventions, which are the manifestations or expressions of ideas.

Unlike tangible objects, which are exclusionary in nature, intellectual objects (e.g., software programs) are non-exclusionary.

Therefore we can see differences in following areas.
  • Quantitative Limitations of Ownership/Production
    • Countless digital copies of a software program can be produced and each at a relatively low cost.
    • But a land cannot be produce/own that much.
  • Way of protection or legal claim
    • Physical objects have clear visibility of boundary.
    • For intellectual objects difficult to define the boundary.
[1] Ethics and Technology : Controversies, Questions, and Strategies for Ethical Computing, Herman T. Tavani, Fourth edition.

8. What is the principle of fair use?

According to the fair-use principle, every author or publisher may make limited use of another person’s copyrighted work for few specific purposes.

For purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship or research, shall not be an infringement of copyright.

[1] Sri Lanka Intellectual Property Act, No 36 of 2003,

12. What are the arguments for and against protecting software with patents?

Arguments for patentability

·        Public disclosure
o   A patent must publicly disclose the invention. This could educate the public by making them aware of a previously unknown or not obvious software invention.
·        Innovation
o   In the U.S., the Congress has stated that "anything under the sun made by man" deserves patent protection to promote innovation.
·        Economic benefit ***
o   Software patents resulting from the production of patentable ideas can increase the valuation of small companies.
o   Software patents increase the return on investment made by the public on federally sponsored university research, and ensures the flow of knowledge that is required for society to progress.
·        Copyright limitations
o   Patents protect functionality. Copyright on the other hand only protects expression. Substantial modification to an original work, even if it performs exactly the same function, would not be prevented by copyright. To prove copyright infringement also requires the additional hurdle of proving copying which is not necessary for patent infringement.

Arguments against patentability

·        Software is math
o   A program is the transcription of an algorithm in a programming language, and being every (Turing-complete) programming language equivalent to Church's lambda calculus by virtue of the Church-Turing thesis, a program is thus the transcription of a mathematical function.
o   Since math is not patentable, neither is software.
·        Software encourages patent thickets
o   A patent thicket is a dense web of patents that companies must decipher in order to develop new technology.
o   There are various types of patent thickets such as when a single innovation is protected by multiple patent holders or when a product is covered by numerous patents. 
o   The consequences of patent thickets are increased difficulty of innovation, cross-licensing relations between companies will be too complex, and it discourages newcomers to enter the software industry.
·        Hinders research and development
o   Some scientific studies and expert reviews have concluded that patent systems paradoxically hinder technological progress and allows monopolies and powerful companies to exclude others from industrial science in a manner that is irreconcilable with anti-trust laws.
·        Patent examination is too slow
·        Trivial patents ***
o   Some software patents cover either trivial inventions or inventions that would have been obvious to persons of ordinary skill in the art at the time the invention was made. 
o   Patent examiners rarely have a comprehensive knowledge of the specific technologies disclosed in the patent applications they examine. This is in large part due to the enormous number of micro-niches in the software field and the relatively limited number of examiners. So, patents are sometimes allowed on inventions that appear to be trivial extensions of existing technologies.
·        Software is different
o   Software programs are different than other electromechanical devices because they are designed solely in terms of their function. The inventor of a typical electromechanical device must design new physical features to qualify for a patent. On the other hand, a software developer need only design new functions to create a working embodiment of the program.
o   Software is a component of a machine. The computer’s hardware is generic; it performs functions that are common to all of the software that is capable of being executed on the computer. Each software program that is capable of executing on the computer is a component of the computer.
o   Computers "design" and build the structure of executable software. Thus, software developers do not design the executable software's physical structure because they merely provide the functional terms.
·        Copyright ***
o   It is argued that traditional copyright has provided sufficient protection to facilitate massive investment in software development.
o   Author of a particular piece of software can sue someone that copies that software without a license. Copyright protection is given automatically and immediately without the need to register the copyright with a government, although registration does strengthen protection. 

