Few of the resources and demos that can be found from the web which uses Leap Motion for Air Writing.
Most of the air writing demos contain a separate alphabet that is easy to write rather than the standard alphabet.
Most of the air writing demos contain a separate alphabet that is easy to write rather than the standard alphabet.
- Tango Chen - FingerTipe : Writing in Air with Leap Motion
- http://leap.quitebeyond.de/fingertipe-writing-air-leap-motion (Demo included)
- Avrdan - UIT A3 : Handwriting Recognition
- http://leap.quitebeyond.de/uit-a3-handwriting-recognition (Demo included)
- 8pen - Touchless Writing
- http://leap.quitebeyond.de/touchless-writing (Demo included)
- Mingyu Chen - Universal motion-based control and motion recognition - This includes Air Writing
- Phd. Desseration Work can be found on https://smartech.gatech.edu/handle/1853/50281
- Keiho Sakapon - Japanese Calligraphy Text Recognition
- http://leap.quitebeyond.de/japanese-calligraphy-text-recognition (Demo included)
- Sharad Vikram et al - Handwriting and Gestures in the Air, Recognizing on the Fly
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