Have we become slaves or masters of machine?

Well I think it is the human who slaves the machines to become the master of other humans. It is not the machines who slaves the human, but the human itself.

I’m telling this because; let’s take an example of a machine, Computers. Computers were invented for make the working life easier in earlier days. People had taken many uses from it where things were very difficult to do previously. Specially, such as making calculation, where it taken a long time to do manually. So people were used machines as their slaves to do the tasks where humans were unable to do due to the limitations they got, such as speed, accuracy, safety, etc. But when the time comes as people realize how a change agent this tool is, they used this to control the other people and neglected the sole purpose of this invention.

You can feel it when you realize why you tend to use computers, when the same thing can be done in another way easily. Perfect example is playing games. There are both computer games and games that can be played physically with each other. But in today’s world people are more attracted to play computer games. The point is, it is a human who developed those computer games. What he does is, make addict other people to play his game. So as I said earlier it is a certain truth that human uses machines to make other peoples slave.

So why is this whole bushtit? It is totally for earn money. The more you make others slaves; you will get coins onto your pocket. 

(Image Ref : www.bonkersworld.net)
This topic was came through our SSG Program.
